Hating Inequity

If there is one thing that really irritates me, it is inequity.

Fortunately, I’ve never experienced the inequity some do – such as food insecurity or homelessness.

But, what about how you are treated by organizations? There is a great deal of inequity in that realm and some of it I have experienced.

For example, is every person hired to an organization’s “team” given the same public welcome?

No. I think not. I know not.

Are all the commenters on a blog forum given the same slap on the wrist when they post in the wrong manner (WordPress has made some changes that occur if one uses the enter button when posting a comment). Some posters are reprimanded and some are not. Go figure!

And, then there is nepotism – the worst part of inequity. This is when someone gets a job or opportunity because of who they are related to or what their name might be.

Really? Yup. It still happens.

How about when you work hard – harder than your co-workers – and the organization has set a limit on what score a part time employee can garner on their annual review? If an organization is only going to give a score of three on a rubric or scale of five to all part time employees, where is there incentive to work harder? There is none.


What about following rules and still being treated the same as those who don’t? Or rather, they are treated the same as you, even though they did not follow the rules! This is a dangerous and potentially expensive form of inequity. We, in the U.S., are experiencing this now, unfortunately.

One of my personality traits is a strong sense of justice. My ire is raised when I notice something inequitable. It makes me want to fight and say, “Hey! Wait a minute!”

Where are the leaders in these inequitable situations? Maybe they do not notice what is occurring right in front of them, right within their organization. But, if they don’t notice, what kind of leader are they? Just because tasks are delegated does not mean they are done in an equitable fashion. It must be enough for those leaders to have the task taken care of by someone else and not worry about how equitable it appears.


There is inequity when you have one English teacher all year get to know you, grade your papers, and then for the final exam – that teacher gives your paper away to a co-teacher to help get grading done. It happened! Without a heads up for the student, this was unprofessional and inequitable, both!

There is inequity when students with special academic needs do not receive them. Special ed students should encompass both ends of the cognitive spectrum – giving talented and gifted students as many resources as those with disabilities – oft times the gifted student is pushed aside as “being okay” without intervention. This is not correct. They have needs too.

I am sensitive to inequities.

My post was prompted today by something I read. I happened to come across it by accident but it was alarming in the scope of how inequitably new employees can be treated or promoted by organizations. It got my dander up – so, it wrote about it!

And, yes, now I feel better.

Pixabay. Free use clip art image.

9 thoughts

      1. Yes, I do understand in some places they are covered under special ed. It depends on your state and the legislation there. In WI, districts are mandated to provide TAG education but no funding from the state is provided for it. I am sure you are correct, in that there are still inequities, even with provisions for the programming.


      2. When my boys were in the younger, grades 2-6, they had DEPs or differentiated educational plans. They worked well to accelerate them in math, but other subjects depended on who they had as teachers and who the TAG teacher was for the building. Above 7th grade, the DEPs stopped (for what reason, I do not know). My boys are all out of school now and since I advocated for gifted students for years, I remain interested in what happens but no longer have skin in the game to make valid assessments. After my youngest was past 10th grade, I felt I was fighting a losing battle and stopped fighting city hall. My observations of the program as a whole fell on deaf ears. I don’t think much has changed in the last four years, but could be wrong. How these students are serviced also goes to mindset and educational philosophy. I live in WI.


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