The Rudeness of Being Hurried

Yesterday, in Michaels craft store, I was headed to the check out line. Our local branch of this national franchise of arts and craft stores just relocated into a bigger, brighter, and more organized space. You have to go through a queue to get to the check out. I turned around the last row of colorfully stocked shelfs, those lining the queue, to find a lady maybe ten years my senior looking at what was available for impulse buys. I wasn’t sure if she was just taking her time to get to the checkout (as no one was in front of her), or still shopping, so I stayed behind her while I tried to figure this out. I did not want to be rude and rush around her, if  – in fact – she was going to the check out.

But, behind me another customer quickly appeared, and briskly said excuse me as she was going to push her shopping cart right past both of us! I had unconsciously positioned myself in the middle of the queue so she was unable to get by without saying something. At that point, instead of immediately moving to the side and muttering my apologies, I instead asked the lady in front of me if she was still shopping or in line to check out.

“Are you in line or still shopping?”  I asked.

“Oh, still shopping,” she replied.

So, without another glance at the person trying to breeze right by both of us from behind, I went around the customer in front of me who was still shopping and kept my place in line. The lady who tried to breeze by both of us was not happy.  But, she was 3rd in line! Really? Why did she think she had the right to just buzz right past us both, without any kind of inquiry?

I am so tired of the “me first” attitude of young and old, alike.  As I exited the store, after being exceedingly nice to the check out employee, I muttered to myself about what had just happened.  How very rude of her – trying to breeze past us both! Keep your place in line and be patient!

This scenario seems to happen much more frequently of late. I am not sure why. Twenty years ago, we moved away from an area in which the above rudeness, and worse infractions, were a daily occurrence.  We moved to an area of the country where people seemed less hurried and more polite. But, as our population increased over the last 19 years, more buildings got built, and more people have moved in to our area, the rudeness has also increased. I see it now daily on the road, in the stores, and in our general community. I wish I was not noticing it. I wish it wasn’t there to notice. Period.


This writing is part of the Slice of Life Community hosted by TwoWritingTeachers blog. Thank you for the weekly opportunity to share a slice of our lives with others on Tuesday.

6 thoughts

  1. I notice a lot more rudeness too. When I go grocery shopping, there are frequently people blocking the aisle. When I say excuse me, they give ME a dirty look before moving aside. When I check out, I give the person ahead of me space to complete their transaction. Others are piling their purchases almost on top of mine, and stand so close to me we are almost touching. And why don’t people use blinkers anymore? I’m trying not to let these things bother me so much. But it’s hard.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, I am taking some solice in the fact that others are experiencing this too. But, yes – I have experienced the same in grocery stores. I particularly dislike it when someone is close to me when I am paying – right up next to me because they want to be checked out. Recently, I have tried to be careful to choose when I shop…..pick a quieter less busy time. Some times it works to avoid the frustrations, other times it doesn’t.


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