It’s Poetry Friday and I’m Busy, Busy, Busy…

Rib Lake Wisconsin © Carol Labuzzetta, 2024

I’m off today to go visit my Dad in New York. He’s doing fine but I am taking advantage of being able to spend time with him as often as possible. My husband and I were there in April so it hasn’t been too long between our visits. We’ll go back together in August, again.

This week things have been fairly normal as schedules go. But the weather has been less than ideal. We’re trying to get projects done in our yard and Mother Nature has been less than cooperative.

Of course, I’ve been writing daily on and contemplating things like my hobbies and library books. I’ll share those “friend” links at the bottom of my post so you can enjoy those articles.

I might be at a point of transition in my life again. We’ll see.

On the poetry front, I turned in three poems to TygerTyger on small things by their submission deadline. I’m working on some others for different publications but don’t have more than one ready to go. I’m never very confident in what I send out because I have yet to be successful with having a poem accepted.

I guess that’s part of why I write on Medium. People seem to like my articles and I get paid for writing them, too.

I’ve been on the IngramSpark site quite a bit. I bought an advertisement space through them to be included in their catalog in June and had a terrible time verifying it was running. At some point, I will compare my publishing experiences on IngramSpark and KDP.

I recently mentioned that the colors in the Picture Perfect Poetry anthology are muted in the IngramSpark copy versus the KDP book. After some research, I found that this IS a thing. They do print from different places/sources and others have found the colors in their books to be muted with an IngramSpark copy too. Something to note for future reference.

Book sales have been steady but low, I suppose that is part of the genre. I would like to offer a chance to win a free copy of the anthology to those who comment on my blog today. I’ll use a random number generator to correspond to the number in which your comments appear, in chronological order from oldest (1) to newest (n). I am waiting for more author copies so I will mail it out within two weeks. Be sure to comment by Monday, June 10th to be included in the lottery. I love comments, but only your first will count for the lottery! Thanks!

Good Luck!

Finally, I found a website with some nice poetry offerings. It is But, I couldn’t find one I wanted to share. I need more time with the site.

And, I am working on a Ladybug poem that didn’t make my cut for those I chose to send into TygerTyger. It’s not quite right yet. I’ll keep working on it.


Ladybug, ladybug 
Where are you today?
Asleep in the corner, a place so grey 
Where cold weather made you stay.

Ladybug, Ladybug
Where are you today?
Slowly crawling on my fluffy pillow 
While new green leaves open on our willow.

Lady Bug, Lady Bug,
Where are you today?
Flying through the air, 
Like you’ve got time to spare.

But beware!
Now, our cat sees you there! 

Draft © Carol Labuzzetta, 2024


Have You Been to the Library Lately?

It Might Be Time to Change Gears

Today, Poetry Friday is hosted by Tracey Kiff-Judson on her blog Tangles and Tales. I find Tracey’s poems to be funny and inspirational! She shows instead of telling in her work. I was honored to have her a part of the Picture Perfect Poetry Anthology! Thanks for hosting Tracey!

10 thoughts

  1. Thank you for the information about medium. I have to explore that site more – I know you have mentioned it in the past. Good luck with that lovely little ladybug!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the links, Carol. I think the repeated question in your ladybug poem is so kid-friendly. I also submitted a poem to Tyger Tyger – good luck to both of us! Also, did you know High Five is open to submissions, I believe until mid June.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Karen. I’m still working on the transitioning. I do have to make some decisions about my jewelry hobby but I’m fortunate to be able to let those decisions come organically – whether I give it up or start a different phase of the craft remains to be seen.


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