Frozen Lessons with a Color Poem: White


Learning to Snowshoe

The thermometer on my phone told me it was seven below zero (-7)  as I awoke to drive 40 pairs of snowshoes to a remote terrain in an adjacent county last Saturday morning. This is part of my new job. We had about 40 hikers signed up to join us at a picturesque property that has been conserved in perpetuity for community enjoyment and appreciation of our beautiful local lands.

It was about a 40 minute drive from my home, through an adjacent small city to the outlying counties that include rolling hills, quite farms which appeared to be sleeping while covered with snow, and steep bluffs. Last Saturday morning, the drive was wondrously beautiful, with one of this winter’s bountiful snowfalls covering the bare bark branches of a variety of trees.

Finally, as the last hikers were sent down the trail, I was told to don a pair of snowshoes and head out to join them. I did! I have only snowshoed once before. However, I learned to downhill ski in high school and cross-country ski in college. So, while clomping around in the snow is not foreign to me, helping others to do it will be a skill I need to acquire quickly.


As keeper of the snowshoes, I put on a pair last Friday night and made a small circuit around our three acre property. I could walk in them. I could help people put them on. And so, this is what I did Saturday morning on the first snowshoe hike of my new job. It was invigorating! The air had warmed considerably in the first few hours of daylight.  The movement, excitement, and camaraderie helped with the feeling of warmth too!

Ah, snowshoeing, snowshoeing, it’s a good thing to do. It keeps you healthy and active as you move. Breathing in the crisp, cold air, cleansing the mind and soul as you dress up like a bear. Layer upon layers will keep you warm, while shedding them will take no fear.

Learning to Snow Plow

Today, my husband gave me a serious tutorial in using our snowblower. It’s been a winter of heavy snows in the midwest, and many other places in our country.  He wants to go to our cabin to do some work but one storm after another keeps blowing in. If he happens to be gone when another storm hits, I will need to plow.

I’ve been spoiled; I know. But, he has always taken care of plowing our driveways – no matter where we’ve lived. And, we’ve lived in some pretty snowy places! I’ve shovelled this season. He appreciated that help. But, the plow is different! It has an engine, after all!  Earlier this season, he gave me a quick lesson on starting the plow, completely with written directions. Today, I needed to refer to the directions to get it started.

He walked behind me on the driveway, giving me instructions on how to blow the snow, and use the auger. It’s not hard. But, it’s just remembering the sequence of the engine start and how to turn corners. I need practice, but definitely don’t want it! I got in a little today, but after one complete pass, I begged off and gave the plow back to my husband.


Later on, while I still had my snow pants on, I went for a walk around our yard in the knee-deep snow.  I took my camera. I took a fall. And, I got wet and my fill of the white stuff for today.

A Color Poem: White

White is a Marshmallow

all soft and chewy

White is a Cloud

Whispy and Bright

White is a snowfall

Blinding at Night

Visions of Ghosts at Halloween,

Skeletons too with a brilliant scheme.

White is the color of a cotton dress,

a new softball, and the plate in front

of the catcher’s mound.

A new baby’s Christening blanket,

velvety and sweet, makes me think

of those peppermints I like to eat.

White are holiday lights,

all lining the street,

or the dress of a bride

who’s waiting to meet.

Marching Band Shoes, Sneakers, and Pearls

all shiny and new. The white doesn’t fade

but looks brand new.

White is a birthday candle on top of a cake,

with Fluffy white icing that is a delight to make.

You cannot go wrong with white,

for it matches everything in sight!


Today is Poetry Friday! Our host this week is Robin Hood Black.

Thanks for rounding us up!







10 thoughts

  1. I haven’t been on snowshoes in a long time, but agree that it is fun, slowly down a path, taking in all.that.white. Love hearing what you’ve been doing, & seeing all the pics. We had a big lot of snow here last night & I just came in from shoveling! I take it slow, love being outside!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was fun…the snowshoeing. We had 98 people on our hike last night. Everyone seemed to enjoy the milder temps and knee-deep snow. Today’s another story…..glad it was not scheduled for the wet rain snow mix that was coming down this morning! Take Care….Glad you are taking it easy with the shovel!


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