Slice of Life Tuesday: Currently…

I have a fellow blogger “friend” who I “met” through the Slice of Life Blog Challenge some years ago. We periodically go through cycles of reading and commenting on each other’s posts. I can tell she is a dedicated educator, fully invested in her students, and for that reason, I continue to follow her and be inspired by her work. Frequently, she will turn to write a Currently post for Slice of Life Tuesdays. Often, this is because she is short on time or a single topic has not risen to the surface on which to write about for our weekly Slice of Life Challenge.

Today, I also turn to write a Currently post not really because I am short on time but more because the last few days have been jumbled – you can read why in my post from yesterday – and I have written some lengthy posts, lately. So, I thought I would give both myself and my readers a break today!  Here, goes…

Currently, I am sitting at my desk in my home office having a cup of coffee and writing this post.

Currently, I am looking out the window at fields still covered with snow and wondering when spring will arrive.

Currently, our dog is finally taking a nap on the floor near my desk. She is out of sorts today. I am glad to see her relax.

Currently, I have a slight stomach ache and hope I haven’t caught the illness my son had over the weekend.

Currently, my mind has wandered to what I will do with the rest of my day.

Currently, I realized I need to finish the family calendars that I do on Shutterfly each year from March to March.

Currently, my blog post is finished for today.


On March 1st, the Slice of Life Challenge begins again for this year.  I will be participating once again in this daily writing challenge. The community, founded and hosted by is so supportive and inspirational, it is really a no-brainer to participate in this challenge – especially when I write daily anyway. I look forward to reconnecting with slicers I have read before and meeting new writers as well! Like to write? Join us! 





12 thoughts

  1. Your kind words made my day! I enjoyed reading your post and need to make sure that I visit more often! I hope that you’re feeling okay and that the stomach bug passes on by! Your mention of family calendars on Shutterfly is inspiring me to look at doing something like this, too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad! I hope you are well! We are still getting back to normal but I’ve stayed well, thankfully. I’ve done the Shutterfly calendars for years – eventually moving them to March so I do not feel the pressure at holiday time. Take care!


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