Poetry Friday: Cabin, Sweet Cabin & other Haiku

Next to me on the chair the pillow states,


Cabin Sweet Cabin

Says the same as Home Sweet Home

There’s no place like it.

Luckily, we can reach our cabin with an easy three hour drive. With COVID-19 numbers vastly increasing our state (Wisconsin), we are now making the trip without any stops. We pack our food and necessities in the truck and do not stop until we get there. This way we aren’t exposing others to us and are not being exposed to others. We are lucky we can have this change in venue during this difficult time.

Tonight, I sit by a warm fire in a house we made of timbers. Surely, that is inspiring.

Timberframe Cabin

Solid post and beam

Pine pins hold the cabin still

Outside, the wind blows

And, without light pollution the clear night sky draws our gaze to the brightest star and most blurred galaxy as we take the dog for an after dinner walk.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Patch of Light

Night envelops us

except for a flashlight patch

following our walk

It is Poetry Friday. Some simple haiku are what I am offering this week for my writing. I’ve begun to work on some other writing projects that are taking time away from my blog. But, since they are writing projects, I’m still writing daily. My blog has fallen to the evening to be written. Thanks for those who are sticking with my posts during this time! Eventually, I’ll share what other projects I’ve been working on.

The Poetry Friday round up this week is hosted by Robin Hood Black of Life on the Deckle Edge blog. Please visit Robin’s page for great poetry from her and a variety of other poets. Thanks for hosting!

10 thoughts

  1. Thank you, Carol, for allowing virtual visitors to your beautiful cabin this weekend! I can practically smell all that welcoming wood. (We are hunting a family getaway home somewhere back over in the foothills/mountains closer to our kids, and your post makes me feel even better about that prospect!) Stay safe and well, and thank you for the poetry and pictures.


  2. Oh my, Carol, your cabin is lovely and so inviting, the fire & the stars! We had a cabin for years, more primitive than yours, but we loved going there in the woods with a stream, a fire & yes, stars! You’ve brought me back with your “Cabin sweet Cabin”! I’m happy you can get there for a wonderful break.

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