Slice of Life Tuesday: Why We Need Art

You’d think that with so much time at home, time would seem to slow down, but we all seem busier than ever!

Today, already, we picked up my son’s locker contents and returned his Chrome Book, as well as his textbooks to the high school.  They had a very efficient system that we whizzed through without difficulty and no contact. High school staff members manned each station and did their assigned jobs with due diligence.

But, just prior to leaving my son’s cell phone range and it was his art teacher. She was calling him regarding a piece that he made over this past weekend as a tribute to George Floyd.  It has set his social media ablaze and was picked up by the administrator of our high school FaceBook page.  His art teacher had no words for his painting and video of the process. Many are just calling it powerful. And, there is no doubt that it is just that.

You can check out the video here: George Floyd Memorial Tribute Painting

The reaction to this painting reminds me of why we need art in our society.  One piece can speak volumes in a polite, passionate, and yet, still very powerful way.  It is not as overt or public as protesting but it accomplishes some of the same outcomes. People notice. They stop to think. They process internally instead of destroying externally.

Today’s world, especially what is occurring here in the United States, is worrying me. I have three young adult men that were raised to be good people and make a difference in the world. But, their job in doing so will not be easy.  For me, this piece obviously made me proud for it was inspired by tragic events, yet sends an important and beautiful message.  But, more than that, my son’s painting of Floyd gives me hope.

We need art. We need pieces that will share a voice in a peaceful, passionate way.  We need hope and art can provide that for those who care to notice.


Today is Slice of Life Tuesday. Thank you to blog for hosting this writing forum.

I am still interested in those willing to share self-publishing experiences and/or resources. I wrote about this last week and have yet to hear from those in the forum who have made this journey.  Any insights would be appreciated. Thank you!



9 thoughts

  1. A small moment , here, turnsinto a big reminder.
    I was drawn in by your title, and I like your “p’s”- polite, peaceful, passionate, powerful.
    (And if you’re not a student, art doesn’t have to be polite.)
    Thank you for sharing this- and how great that your son knows how proud you are of him.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your son’s video tribute is stunning. “We need art. We need pieces that will share a voice in a peaceful, passionate way. We need hope and art can provide that for those who care to notice.” I completely agree.

    Liked by 1 person

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