Poetry Friday: Pandemic Panacea

A while ago, before the vaccines for COVID-19 were approved, I was playing with some alliteration. This is a work in progress, but in absence of other words coming to me today, I will share it for Poetry Friday.

I think our world, particularly the United States, is stretched thin right now. It seems everything is crumbling. With each passing day, a new concern or problem arises. They are not problems for one or a few but problems for us all, as the world and our country as we knew it will probably never be the same.

In the last few days, I’ve tried to focus on things I know will calm my soul and quiet my mind. Mainly, this has been trips into nature or my photography focused on bright, cheerful flowers and gardens. Bright spots have included rime frost, a visit from a Bald Eagle, and an opossum begging a grilled dinner!

Words can be playful too. When I considered what to share, the “P” alliteration poem came to mind. I hope the beginnings of which are enjoyed and not taken too seriously.

Pandemic passing

Plum pancakes served with pancetta on the porch

Plentily pleased pre-pandemic palates

A panacea portends without particulars preeminently

While in Parma plates of pizza filled the piazza

Pennies or pence or pounds for products produced

Pockets previously packed now pauperish

No pork, plums, pancakes, or parishioners for the poor

Just priests in a pinch and a pandemic’s passing

As this is a work in progress, any suggestions for additional “P” words I can work into the alliteration would be highly appreciated and considered! Thank you!

Today is Poetry Friday! The round up host this week is Sylvia Vardell of Poetry for Children. Please click on the link to see a plethora of poetry books for children soon to be published in 2021. Thank you Sylvia for compiling this list and for hosting today’s round up!

16 thoughts

  1. So pleased to land at a blog new to me, Carol.

    Perhaps you will like to know that Panacea, a pastoral coast town on U.S. Highway 98 in the Panhandle of Florida, is pretty close to our town where my family & I like to read poetry, grow lemons & take walks.
    I’m glad you feel alliterative & good cheer in collecting a phalnax of P words ~ it’s been a precious moment of Peace here at your blog, to play today.

    Many appreciations!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are sneaky, Carol, sharing about Sylvia’s list: “plethora of poetry”. It fits your poem well & I found each line made an image, some lovely to imagine, others stark about our times. Well done! What I might share: It’s pretty perfect that some states are now painted purple! Thanks for the thoughts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! Thank you! I really did not realize I had done that with Sylvia’s list! I guess I had “P” on the mind! I like your suggestions and will be trying to incorporate what I’ve received into expanding the poem!


  3. I love this, Carol – your poetry pleases plentifully:) WHat to suggest? maybe something around the word ‘problems’ – problems proliferate?? Or, more optimistically – petty problems pass.
    Also, maybe something about pets offering comfort – pets profer patient company. Or something.
    A clever idea. Thanks for sharing your progress.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love your photos. And the blue sky that complements their crisp colours.

    Just for fun I will take pleasure in passing this p-plate back to you;

    Particular poetry pals pondering, penning and pruning palatable passages.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love those photos–they offer some brightness in a dark week. And here are some more p-fun:

    polish pragmatic policies,
    promise plentiful projects,
    provide powerful programs,

    Liked by 1 person

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