Poetry Friday: Poetry Prep Work

Here it is Poetry Friday again and once again, I do not have any new poetry to share. It’s not that I haven’t been working on poetry – I have, but my writing has taken the form of editing chores, searching for publication possibilities, and new poetry groups to join. I also have been invited to do a poetry reading in May at the art gallery where I have sold my handcrafted jewelry for the past eight years. So, in actuality, I do have a lot going on with poetry, just not new poems.

My editing chores have involved reviewing my nature poetry for those are poems I will read at the gallery during the Poetry of Our Times exhibition. It has helped to let the poems sit for a while and then go back to them for editing. Fresh perspectives and new words appear in my head as possibilities to change the poem and make it better. Today, I plan to look for a poetry editor on Reedsy or Fivver to review the poetry for me before I become an indie publisher!

There is a time crunch here, however. The gallery wants the material related to the exhibition to be checked in by April 25th so they can enter it into their POS (point of sale) system and price it. I am taking a stack of THINGS WE DO books, the poetry anthology which contains my first published poem, INVENT. And, I plan to take the chapbook of nature poems IF I can get it finished in time. I also made some cards and postcards, similar to those I sent in the winter poetry postcard exchange, for sale. Those have been ordered. The chapbook is the biggest question but I think I can make it work. I think there comes a time when you have to say “enough” and have another set or two of eyes on what you’ve written. I’m at that point.

There is a poetry book in my collection from the gallery entitled A Rural Alphabet by Monica Jagel and Joanne Adragna Shird. I’ve owned the book since 2014. I contacted Monica about her self-publication experience because the book is very nicely done. She responded immediately with her experience and possible avenues for me to take. It pays to network! I’ll be pleased if my chapbook turns out as nice as Monica’s did.

I also found a state poetry group to join in Wisconsin. The group is named the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets. The fee to join is nominal and they run several contests a year as well as critique groups. I was excited to find it and will take care of joining today.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Lastly, I’ve been learning how to do a voice-over on a google slide presentation I have on flower bulbs. I found a tutorial on YouTube for Audacity and have been working on adding my voice-over for the last two days. The presentation is for six first-grade classrooms on their environmental day, April 6th. This relates to poetry because when I teach the unit I have the students take a nature walk and then write acrostic poems on TULIPS, BULBS, or SPRING with the impressions of what they saw.

Since A Rural Alphabet book dealt with nature and farming, I found a Walt Witman poem in the public domain that spoke to this subject.

A Farm-Picture

By Walt Whitman

Through the ample open door of the peaceful country barn,
A sun-lit pasture field, with cattle and horses feeding;
And haze, and vista, and the far horizon, fading away.
Public Domain.

Whitman’s poem speaks perfectly about what is to come in the mid-west as the season gives way to warmer and brighter days. It is a perennial picture painted with words for all of us who bear the winter in the north.

I’m returning to Poetry Friday after a week off from my daily blogging. It was refreshing to work on some different writing – some that will benefit me and help me to grow in this craft. Thanks for stopping by. I do appreciate any comments! I am both thankful and glad to be part of this group.

Our host for this week’s round-up is Amy at The Poem Farm. Thanks for hosting, Amy!

14 thoughts

  1. Oh, Carol, all of these poetry tasks are very important to support your work. I admire you taking the time and knowing when what bit needs to be done. Whitman’s poem gave me a happy deep breath this late afternoon. Thank you, and all best with so much goodness! What a beautiful way to share spring poetry with young writers! xo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’d say you’ve been busy, Carol! The Walt Whitman poem was enough of a swap, and I may just carry that poem with me for a while. Best of all? I loved hearing about the wonderful, WELL-DESERVED opportunities coming your way.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It HAS gone well…now is about the time of the month where I’m figuring out what’s next for me. Which might be even scarier than the prospect of writing each day in March!

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  3. I love hearing about the behind-the-poems processes…and Reedsy and Fivver? Hmmmmm….good luck with your chapbook and your gallery reading, how exciting!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Heidi! I was referred those sites by a book author I took a course from on Self Publishing in 2020. Luckily, I didn’t have to go that route but found an editor who is a friend of my son and does some freelance work on the side of her “real” editing job! I was happy to have a more “known” source for the editing work!


  4. Welcome back, Carol, You are busy with so much! All the best on all your endeavors this month. The voiceover on the Slides sounds like a great idea. I also like the flower acrostics, arising from observations of the flowers. I’m sure those would be some special children’s poems.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Denise. The bulb lesson is ususally higly successful. I hope that it is the case with this group as well – I think it will be, I’ve just never done it remotely.

      Thank you also for letting know about how to comment on your blog as well! I appreciate the time you took to do that.


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