Poetry Friday: Inspired by the Redwood Forests

Redwood Trees in California. © Carol Labuzzetta, 2023.

I’m working on my guidelines for submissions to the anthology project – Nature Poetry In Pictures. While this is not the “official” title it conveys what I am looking for. The guidelines will be posted late next Friday. Submissions are to start soon after.

The work will focus on ekphrastic poetry. If you are not familiar with it, you have a week to read about what it is. I’ll post some helpful descriptions at the end of this post. To give you an idea of what I envision, I include a new poem I wrote and several older ones that combine my photography and my poetry. The photo must evoke the poem in some recognizable way. Since the book is meant for children ages 10 and up, I do not expect many truly abstract poems. You know what I am referring to – the type of poem you read and say – “Huh? What was that all about?” That’s definitely not what I’m going for!

I am looking for pieces celebrating nature – its beauty, the awe it inspires, any concerns for our earth, and human feelings when immersed in nature. I am envisioning an uplifting, beautiful book focusing on all things found in nature. Both the photo and the poem have to be owned (created) by the person submitting.

Specific guidelines and requirements will be posted next week. I hope you consider submitting. I think there is a lot of unrecognized talent in our Poetry Friday group and look to showcase that as well as the talents of others who might participate. Thanks for the consideration. I hope I piqued your interest.

Here is a new ekphrastic poem I wrote this week:

Photo and poem by Carol Labuzzetta, 2023.

After posting this example, I realized that I would like submissions to be in portrait form, not landscape – as pictured here. It’ll make my life easier when editing if you adhere to this orientation when submitting…more to come on that next week.

Haiku and photo by Carol Labuzzetta, 2021.

Although you can submit haiku, I am not after a book of them, so you may only submit one per person – more one the number of poems you may submit is coming next week. Thank you for your attention to this also.

Poem by Carol Labuzzetta, superimposed on a graphic from Canva. © Carol Labuzzetta, 2023

This haiku is not nature oriented. Please stick to nature when considering your submissions to the anthology. Nature is a huge topic and combines a lot of what I love with the written word and then combines it with my love for children and teaching/enriching them. Poetry and nature can enrich all of us. I hope you have a photo that inspires you to write a poem about it.

As a master’s prepared, and formerly nationally certified, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and master’s prepared Environmental Educator who loves to write and observe nature, I look to this project to combine art and poetry into a book that can be enjoyed by children and the adults in their lives. I am excited about working on it. You have my promise it will be a well-thought-out and presented anthology in its final form.

Anyone that knows me well, is aware of my organizational capabilities. I am anxious to use them to the benefit of all involved! Thanks for your consideration! Please stop back next week for the details on submissions!

Photo and haiku by Carol Labuzzetta, 2022.

Acknowledgment of you as the author-photographer will appear in the book but not the photo, as shown in the examples shown today.

Photo and Poem © Carol Labuzzetta, 2022.

I hope I’ve piqued your interest in this project. Today is Poetry Friday! Margaret Simon at Reflections on the Teche is our round-up host and she’ll have your mouth watering with a poem she wrote about a strawberry jam gift she received. Be sure to check it out! Thanks for hosting!

Ekphrastic Poetry Resources

https://www.ekphrastic.net/the-ekphrastic-review/introducing-children-to-writing-ekphrastic-poetry-by-joan-leotta (click the link to take you there).

https://www.arts.gov/stories/blog/2023/explore-ekphrastic-poems-reading-list (click the link to take you there).

https://www.poetrybones.com/writing-practice-blog/try-writing-ekphrastic-poetry-part-1 click the link to take you there).

Please consider signing up to follow me on Medium.com. Thanks!

15 thoughts

  1. I look forward to learning more about your anthology project. I’ll be looking for something appropriate to submit. Thanks for the samples here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That sounds great Margaret! Thank you so much! I think I failed to mention but it will be included next week – that both the photo and your poem have to be your own. I’ll look forward to a submission from you!


  2. Carol,
    I received your sweet poetry exchange poem and gifts. Thank you so much. I would like to write about it; is that okay? Or would you rather I wait until the end of the exchanges?

    I’m so excited about the new anthology you are creating. It sounds great. Your examples here are beautiful. I love the cathedral poem. I was in the redwoods this summer too in the middle of June. I wonder if we were there around the same time. I’ll look forward to the guidelines for submission next week, and in the meantime, I’ll check my camera roll for ideas.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Denise! I am okay with you writing about it. Thank you. I’m glad you liked the gifts. I think it’s important to give of oneself and for me that comes from things I make. I am also glad you are excited about the anthology project and hope you do find something to submit.


  3. Wow! You are ambitious. The thought of pulling together an anthology is a bit overwhelming to me. I will look through my photos and keep scribbling away. I have been writing in fits and starts this summer. Thank you for all the information and the care I know you will put into the project. I hope you’ll share some of the challenges and good parts of this journey.


  4. You captured me with the redwoods, Carol, though I love all the other examples you shared, too. I’ve seen that majestic forest two times & love that you wrote of the quiet. It happens! Best wishes for this new wonderful project! I’ll be looking for inspiration. . .


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