Poetry Friday: A Famous Poem and a New Anthology

I spent three days in Duluth Minnesota earlier this week on an anniversary trip with my husband. On Tuesday we celebrated 36 years of marriage! It was our first time in Duluth and visiting the North Shore of Minnesota. We hiked, had some micro-brewed beer, and saw an iconic lighthouse on the shore of Lake Superior. We celebrated our love and our lives together.

Two lighthouses at the entrance to the port of Duluth on Lake Superior. © Carol Labuzzetta, 2023.

There was haze from the Canadian wildfires while we were there as well as some fog on the way home. The fog reminded me of Carl Sandberg’s poem of the same name, now in the public domain.


By Carl Sandburg

1878 – 1967

The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

This poem is in the public domain.

Duluth under the morning haze and/or fog as seen from the Enger Tower. © Carol Labuzzettqa, 2023.

These days it is hard to tell fog from haze.

I’ve blogged about our Duluth trip on my Medium.com page. You can visit there for more. It is a fun city! We also really enjoyed the beauty of the Northern Lake Superior shoreline.

Poetry Anthology News

Many of you read my post last week when I announced the poetry anthology of ekphrastic poetry for children that I’ll put together, edit, and publish in 2024. I was pleased to know there was anticipation and excitement about my announcement! I hope to see submissions from many Poetry Friday friends. Submissions open August 1st. Thank you for your consideration.

The details are here:

Japanese, “Zen”, garden at the Enger Tower in Duluth. © Carol Labuzzetta, 2023.

Today is Poetry Friday! Our host is Jan at BookSeedStudio where she refers us to a host of possibilities! Thanks, Jan!

16 thoughts

  1. So many smiles, Carol, for your Happy Anniversary. Lighthouses are by their iconic presence atmospheric, conjuring up wonderings about vessels that have steered by their lumens. And Light is what I feel, lifted up to be thinking of a 36 year marriage. Kudos! We enjoy a connection ~ this autumn is 36 year since I married my wonderful hubby.


  2. Congratulations on 36 years! Carl Sanburg’s poem feels a little different in the context of wildfire haze, perhaps a bit more ominous. Thank you for creating a project that will put more poetry into the world!


  3. Carol, hooray for a beautiful celebration of 36 years. Congratulations. We took a family vacation to the north shore one year when it was unseasonably hot and miserable while we camped. The scenary was gorgeous, I remember.

    Thank you for the guidelines for submission. I’m excited to give a poem a try.


  4. Happy anniversary! My hubby would have especially appreciated the micro-brewed beer. 😀 We’ve got a growing micro-brewery scene in our city, though it was on trips down south to the States that we first discovered flavourful beer, haha. 😉


  5. Hi Carol! I love the idea of your anthology. My question to you, since I do not have a real camera, is, is there a way to adjust the DPI of an image taken with a phone? I have some great images but I don’t think they meet the requirements of 300 DPI. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. HI Colleen. Yes, I do that all the time with photo editing software that I have. If you want to send me a photo to my email – labcar81@gmail.com I can try it on yours. But I am sure it will work. It just has to be higher in DPI for printed material – so the image is clear. I do not intend to adjust the photos for anything other than file size (no filters, etc.). Thanks for asking! I am glad you are interested.


      1. So I did try to adjust the DPI and it says I did. Can I send you one of the pictures to see if it meets your criteria?


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