Day Off From School? Go Buy Books!

Last Friday we did not have school in our district. It wasn’t even a staff development day, just a planned day off for everyone, including staff. The month of January was a little weird with both of my high schooler’s missing days of school for the flu. So, having them home for another day was not something to which I was looking forward. But, my youngest surprised me by asking if we could go to the bookstore. Sure, was my too quick response! He is a very able but unfortunately somewhat unmotivated reader, so I was pleased to hear him ask to go to purchase a book. Our high school works on a block schedule. He did not have ILA in the fall semester, so he has his English class now. Apparently, the book he chose for independent reading was not holding his attention, and he wanted to find another.  Apparently, there is a project associated with the independent reading book that he felt would not be well suited by the one he chose.

So, by 10 a.m. on Friday we were at our local Barnes and Noble store. I was so excited  that I told him I would buy his book for him and even a second one if he wanted to get two. But, you know, book stores can be somewhat overwhelming. I know I often have a hard time getting exactly what I want. So I was not surprised when he found me after a few minutes and said that he hadn’t found anything yet. I was getting my requisite caffeine for the morning, so I told him to keep looking and I would help him look as soon as I had java in hand. Part of the problem, or so he told me, was that the bookstore had re-organized recently and where he usually found “his” books turned out not to be the “place” anymore.

I had trouble finding him after I got my coffee and must have looked like I needed help because a young book store employee asked me if I needed help. I quickly explained that it was not I that needed help, but my son was looking for a book for a school project. She suggested a couple of books. But, unfortunately she tried to sell me both on by telling me that either a movie was being made or a television show already existed based on the book. Not really what I wanted to hear. I found my son in the “Teen” stacks where he was still looking. The books suggested by the bookstore employee were both rejected (much to my relief) by my son.

We left with a book he chose called The Prey. He read it over the weekend, finishing it yesterday, two days before it needed to be completed for the class assignment.  But, I had an itch for more books. Before we went to the bookstore, I had visited the Barnes and Noble website and saw an advertised sale – Buy 3 specially designated books for teens for $30.00. Wait! What? Wow!  Well, I bought six, and one I had wanted to purchase as well. (You can tell which one it is by the extra cost – a whopping twenty-three cents!) Now, our at home shelves, which I recently cleaned out, are restocked with some newer, hopefully more inviting, titles!

The sale goes through March 2nd. I would recommend you visit! I laughed at myself as we left the bookstore last Friday because I actually said out loud – “I love books.” And, I do. I think you can tell! Oh, and what is my hubby getting for Valentines Day? Shhhhh, don’t tell him but it’s a book!

Item Qty Price
Invictus 1 $10.00
Overturned 1 $10.00
Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Mayb 1 $10.23
Runebinder (The Runebinder Chronicles Series #1) 1 $10.00
Item Qty Price
Shatter Me (Shatter Me Series #1) 1 $10.00
We Were Liars Deluxe Edition 1 $10.00
Otherworld (Otherworld Series #1) 1 $10.00

This post was inspired by the wonderful educators I am able to connect with through the blog forum, Slice of Life Tuesday.

Thank you for stopping by.

13 thoughts

  1. “We Were Liars” is wicked good. That’s a great sale. I don’t think I’ve ever had my children or grandchildren ask to go to the bookstore. But once I get them there, we have a blast! I bet you were so thrilled.


  2. My son and I have a Barnes and Noble date tonight. His Valentine is a set of Harry Potter books– the supplemental ones about Quidditch and such. I may have to browse more than I’d planned. Timely! Thanks!

    PS- I loved the flowery language in Shatter Me. I pulled some mentor sentences from there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comments! What a great date! I hope you both enjoy it. We are well past the Harry Potter stage but those books are classics for my boys…still get re-read over and over. I hope your son enjoys the supplemental set. Obviously, I bought the books with my son in mind – anything to get him reading again! Both my husband and I will read anything from middle school fiction all the way up through adult books. I look forward to reading Shatter Me. There is a sequel (book 4?) that sounded good – that’s how I found the series!


    1. Thanks for your comments. Although I bought the books for my son, several, including We Were Liars sounded very interesting. I intend to read most of these, either before or after him! Glad you like the bookstore, as well!


    1. I have often wondered if it is because there is so much to choose from that I cannot find anything in a bookstore. Still, I love going! I also love a good deal, so when I saw the three for 30$, I couldn’t pass it up. I will come and check out your blog! Welcome to Slice of Life blogging! It has been a wonderful community to be part of…..I started about this time last year!


  3. Your post reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend earlier this evening. She shared several books during a meeting and laughed about how she spent her snow days ordering books. I’m glad that she had those snow days because now I have a long list of books to order.

    Liked by 1 person

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