Comprendo: Super Short Blog Posts!

Last year, during a blog writing challenge, some people wrote six word posts. I truly did not get it! Why? What can six words tell you?  Furthermore, it really irritated me that many others were commenting on these six word posts!  One of them had nine comments by 4 p.m.!  I really did not understand what the attraction was to these super short posts! Therefore, I never wrote one. It is very true that my posts border on too lengthy but never too short.

But, today, I think I got it. I finally understood why people would write these six word posts!

They wanted to write.

Maybe, they had more to say.

But, they were tired.

They were short on time.

During the challenge, participants are supposed to write a blog post each day.

Thus, a six word post!

Today, I have a reason for a super short blog post.

It’s not six words, but less than 200 words, and a lot less than what I usually write.

So, my super short blog post (A.K.A. Six Word Post Plus)  is this:

I’m exhausted! I got a job!

Finally! I understand the six word post!

9 thoughts

  1. I did my first 6-word memoir (well, first one I published) a few weeks ago. Interestingly, while I went into it expecting a bit of a respite from blogging, it took me a while to polish the words I wanted to write. Who knew? And congratulations on your job!

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  2. Your post made me smile. I totally understand the six-word post and have used it once or twice. (and I agree with Amanda, it’s not easy to write one) But I just wrote a lengthy post about being exhausted!! I think I was just happy to be communicating with my peeps!

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