Poetry Friday: My Quilt

My Quilt

The quilt I made had some mistakes,

I tried to cover them up and still have it not look fake.

A new project for this weird, weird time,

kept me going and turned out sublime.

The cover now recalls a trip or more,

to places that could never, ever bore.

Our National Parks, that’s what it’s reminiscent of.

Lovely, natural places where there’s lots to love.

In the Rocky Mountains – you can visit Long’s Peak,

a short enough drive from Estes Park so the children won’t weep.

The Everglades are a favorite too,

visited so long ago I’d like to see them anew.

Joshua Tree visited the park before last,

on a day when 107 degrees seemed like a heat blast!

The Great Smokey Mountains were enshrouded in mist,

so hard to see through it, one didn’t really get their magnificent gist.

The quilt back has four more park panels with stories to tell,

but there is where my errors are hidden so well.

So you’ll not see the belly, underside of my quilt,

it’s hidden for me when I need stories with more lilt.

Today is Poetry Friday. Our gracious host is Janice Scully at Salt City Verse. Thanks to her and our other weekly hosts, we can share our words in a supportive place. My quilt has be a project during the pandemic. When I was looking for fabric to make masks (I’ve made quite a lot) I saw these National Park panels. There were no directions to putting the quilt together, I just “winged it” as we used to say in the 80’s. I learned a lot from the project and am glad it is completed (there is a touch more of top stitching to do). I’ll look forward to making another one to build this new skill. Until then, we can fight over who gets to cuddle up in it at night!

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