Sleep and Devices

Last week, my Fitbit device gave me a sleep score of 57 (poor) on a night I thought I had slept well! So far my opinion of my sleep and the technology’s assessment of my sleep had been compatible. Now, I’m re-thinking my decision to wear this advanced wrist-watch to bed. In other words, if it’s not accurate – why bother?!

My Fitbit and tea cup, both part of my routine. © Carol Labuzzetta, 2021

I’ve long had issues with sleep. I know several key things about me and this necessary component of our daily lives.

  • I need a solid sleep routine which includes the basics of good sleep hygiene.
    • going to bed at roughly the same time each night,
    • no T.V. in the bedroom
    • dark, cool, environment
    • comfortable, clean bedding (no, it isn’t lavish – just regular stuff from Kohl’s)
    • diminished (if any) screen time which includes my phone and nook reader
    • my phone on do not disturb from 10pm-7am (this is a great feature)
    • a good book
    • silence (no blinds rattling, radios, fans, clocks, etc.)
  • I need about eight hours of sleep to feel good.
    • this has been a recent revelation and explains much of my crankiness and emotional instability in past years when I’ve rarely had that much sleep.
  • I need to live with occasional insomnia.
    • insomnia has diminished of late as I’ve come to the conclusion that many of the things I worried about in the middle of the night, I have no control over.
    • I no longer get up to have tea (decaf) when insomnia strikes because I don’t want to wake our dog (who is kenneled off the kitchen area at night). This has made me deal with staying in bed and setting my mind at ease.
    • control things that lead to unnecessary insomnia
      • no caffeine after 3pm
      • diminished use of alcohol
  • Sleep is essential to my functioning and health.
    • While I’ve always known this, sleep is easy to abuse – the use of it as an escape, the lack of it due to schedules (a nursing baby) or worries (growing children) has alerted me to guarding my sleep as one would guard a treasured possession.
    • I feel my best when I get a good night’s sleep.

I pondered this topic yesterday after I finished a novel I had been reading. After a trip to the bookstore a few weeks ago, I’ve finished The Goldfinch and another book yesterday called, Before the Fall. I considered buying an e-book to have one immediately to delve into but after some internal debate and thoughts about my need for solid sleep, relinquished to buying two more paperbacks off of Amazon. I needed more elastic for fabric masks anyway, so Amazon won out over going back to the bookstore. The books will be here tomorrow.

Both my husband and I have come to the conclusion that is supported by research – screen time at night is not healthy and can interfere with sleep. I’m not taking the chance anymore.

I need my sleep. I got this. And, I got it without the aid of a device.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Today is day 30/31 of the annual Slice of Life Story Challenge brought to us by Thank you for creating and hosting such a supportive writing community! This is the fifth year of my participation.

8 thoughts

  1. I have always been so blessed as to be able to sleep pretty well. However, I have noticed that little glitch on my sleep tracker also. Some nights I feel like it was on someone else’s wrist. Your facts about sleep were very interesting. I can tell you are doing your best to live your best life. Enjoy those books!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! That is exactly how I felt, like it was on someone else’s wrist! My husband has experienced the same, more often than I. I am glad you’ve been able to experience good sleep and hope you continue to do so. I will enjoy the books – thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Devices can be a curse and a blessing. I’m guilty of having two often by my bedside. I’ve also tried a healthy sleep to work on wellness like no caffeine after 12pm, wearing a mask, regular bedtime, but I never felt this made much of a difference. I do know I need to end what I’ve been doing recently i.e., staying up late until the basketball game is over. There’s something about the saying “Early to bed and early to rise…” that rings true. Sweeet dreams for tonight. You do got this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like to read for about a half hour when I go to bed, so I always build in that time. The basketball doesn’t keep either of us up – it does keep my Dad up, however! I’m not perfect with my sleep hygiene or routine but I know what will really mess me up if I do it too often!


  3. It is really smart of you to recognize and know what you need when it comes to sleep. I’ve been using my fitbit as a sleep tracker as well – sometimes I *know* it’s not accurate. What I do like about it is the fact that it buzzes on my wrist to wake me in the morning – which I prefer to any sort of sound alarm. As for electronics at night, I need to curb that to get more sleep, but…I just haven’t set up the rest of my day yet to allow that to happen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will probably keep wearing mine tracker to bed – I just won’t put as much stock in it’s accuracy. I’ve not tried using it to wake me up yet, but think I would like the buzzing too, as opposed to a sound. And, as far as needing to use the electronics at night – I get it – there’s only so many hours in the day.


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